Sunday, August 19, 2007


Most summers, I can't wait to be outside, usually in the sun. This summer has been so odd. By most measures, it's been glorious weather here in the northeast - way better than in the middle of the country! But I can't seem to get myself motivated to do anything. Saturday I finished a great book, Water for Elephants (which I HIGHLY recommend), and today I finished a book I started a long time ago, Simple Genius, a good lazy afternoon read, but nothing startlingly great.

Now what.

I should go for a walk, but I don't want to. I should pick up my knitting, but I'm at a crazy place and have to really think hard and do it well - not just mindless knitting. And I don't have the energy. I could watch the ball game, but even that seems like too much effort.

I need a life...

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