Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We've had a pretty hot summer. June was hotter than usual too. I've never had much luck with hydrangeas - I try and try, but many summers go by without a single blue blossom. But look what happened this year! I have two kinds of hydrangea - one that is pretty traditional (above), and another variety produces a kind of lacey blossom. It's big and bushy, and I can only remember one other year when I got any blossoms at all. But this year is amazing!

And see how delicate the flowers are? I love it.

I hope you are having a great summer! Oh, and let's hope Dolly is kind to Texas.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Baseball and Bunny

It happened again! I've been a bad blogger. Where does the time go? There was a lot of travel in June (a trade show; a great business trip to Georgia, visiting shops & knitters at three wonderful locations), a lot of business to deal with (banks; customers; suppliers - but what's new with that really). And then, before I could blink, it was the 4th of July!

Summer has already been great. Family fun on the 4th, and then yesterday, we all went to a Lowell Spinners game with a bunch of knitters. It was Stitch 'n Pitch night at the ballpark, and we had a grand time. There were probably 100 knitters in attendance, including Jess & Casey of Ravelry fame.

But best of all, C came along, and brought her new best friend, Bunny.

Who could ask for more - family, friends and knitters, a new hand-knit bunny, baseball, and of course, cold beer. Happy July!